Why float indeed. The simple answer is to get good at life! Feel better, perform better, let go of our self-imposed limitations and deepen the connection with ourselves and our innate potential.
Over the years there have been many research papers, books and articles written about the benefits of floating and even why it should be accessible to every household! People come to floating for all kinds of reasons. From being stressed physically or mentally and needing a release, to overcome anxiety or addictions, injury recovery, relaxation, meditation, improve sleep, boost their immune system… it’s been found to be great for all that and more.
In our typically over stimulated, high achieving, chasing shadows society, floating answers the highly successful entrepreneur and best selling author, Garry Keller’s, powerful question:
What is the one thing you can do, such that by doing it everything else will become easier or unnecessary?
This is the magic of floating.
Tim Ferriss, ‘self-improvement master’ and author of “The 4-Hour Work Week”, briefly describes his experiences with floating…
Medical Practitioner, Dr. Wiessman gives an insightful view of why he values this a life tool.
Cocooned in a warm, quiet sanctuary – it’s a magical experience of floating weightlessly in a giant bathtub. Unlike the more typical ‘pod’ style float tank we have float rooms that are 2 metres high, nearly 2.5 metres long and 1.4 metres wide complete with a beautiful starlight ceiling.
The water is held at skin temperature and the salts mean you float effortlessly, so once you venture to turn the lighting options off you are floating in total darkness. The outside world disappears for an hour. Meanwhile, you’re released from the strain of gravitational forces and protected from external stimuli which means your body and mind slip into a deep state of relaxation and regeneration.
Once your float session is complete you will have time to transition and let yourself settle back into the world of gravity. We have refreshing tea and a cosy lounge for you to chill out in before you head back out into the world. We are always about if you have any questions or want to chat about your experience.
If you are new to Liquid Zen, we will step you through the process and answer any of your floating questions. Come with an open mind and let the process give you what you need on the day. After you’ve been floating a few times you’ll discover the best approach is to expect nothing.
If this is your first time floating then you might also like to check out the FIRST TIMER page to learn the ‘how to’ of floating so you can feel like a pro.
Floating is a safe nurturing way to achieve deep mental and physical relaxation.
At Liquid Zen we provide Floatation Therapy or, if you like, Floatation Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST) – but that’s a bit of a mouth full! Other terms that have been associated with float therapy, but can be somewhat misleading, are ‘sensory deprivation’ or ‘isolation therapy’. There are various ‘floating therapy’ options on the market but not all provide the reduced sensory input that we strive to deliver.
It is this reduction of external stimuli that creates the greatest benefits of floatation therapy. Our float rooms are designed to:
- minimise the effects of gravity on the body by suspending it in a solution containing 500 kg of Epson salt (Magnesium Sulphate)
- provide the option of total darkness
- minimise sound interference so that you can hear your own body
- and ultimately allow you to forget your body entirely as it merges with the specifically controlled water temperature.
Enthusiasts of floatation therapy and researchers alike report a host of benefits. Your muscles can relax completely, your mind can become quiet and still, and you can achieve a feeling of weightlessness and utter relaxation that cannot be found elsewhere. The benefits of this unique experience are diverse and may include:
It’s powerful how the quiet, distraction-free environment of the float room helps our brain achieve an unusually deep state of relaxation even if you don’t know how to meditate! Everything you experience while floating comes from within yourself. It provides the opportunity to open to new insights and reconnect to your own potential.
Your level of concentration, knowledge absorption, creative flow and performance enhancement is significantly increased. Stress levels go down and your mood goes up.
Did you know that floatation therapy is a tool utilised by the Australian Institute of Sport?
While you float your parasympathetic response kicks in, allowing healing that can only be accessed in deep relaxation. This speeds up injury recovery, reduces chronic pain, relieves insomnia, supports your immune system and much more. The sensory deprivation in our float rooms stimulates this response naturally and every time you float it’s reinforced so that the effects become stronger and last longer.
Floating may also help if you experience challenges in any of these areas:
Pain (headache, back aches etc)
Lacking mental focus
Recovering from injury
Skin conditions (e.g. acne, eczema and psoriasis)
Pregnancy (for the full 9 months)
Energy levels
Emotional imbalances