Mental Health Week

6-12 October 2019

“We all have a role to play” and we want to strengthen the link between floating and mental health by offering six people, who are looking to improve their mental wellbeing, the chance to try it out for free.

Mental health week logo

Mental Health Day is on the 10th October this year and we are encouraging people to find ways to improve their mental wellbeing.

Floating is a proven tool for improving mental health.

The 2019 theme, ‘we all have a role to play’, struck a cord with us at Liquid Zen. Floating is a fabulous tool for improving our mental (and physical) wellbeing (if you haven’t read our synopsis or watched “Float Away Anxiety – Dr. Justin Feinstein | Float Conference 2018“, you can find out about the benefits here. Liquid Zen is offering complementary float therapy sessions as part of Mental Health Week. So, if you or someone you know is struggling with mental illness get in touch.

Six free floats on offer

If you are currently struggling with mental wellbeing then you’ll be eligible to go in the draw if you also:

  • are at least 16 years of age and interested to try floatation therapy (and haven’t floated with Liquid Zen previously)

  • contact us* with your name and preferred contact details (no mailing lists, no media, just the chance to do something great for your mental wellbeing)

  • enter yourself* before 5:30 pm, Friday 12th October

    *you need to be the one to make contact – no nominations please. If you are under guardian care (e.g. under 18) then your guardian will need to contact us on your behalf.

If you are one of the lucky six winners we’ll contact you and get you set up for your first float.

Chances are that you will, or have, suffered mental illness

This is a good opportunity to acknowledge that nearly half of us will suffer from a mental illness in our lifetime! Mental health issues affect more than one in five Australian adults every year, so it is important to support each other to stop and think about our mental wellbeing. Mental Health Week is about inviting people to think about the ways in which we can enhance our social and emotional wellbeing by building our personal resilience and support networks.

We need to remember that so many of us do not seek help when we are struggling. If this is you, touch base with one of the services below:

Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
SANE Australia helpline 1800 18 SANE (7263) or

Photo by Lucie Dawson