For the times when you wish you were floating
During our stay home orders earlier this year one of the challenges many of us faced was the limits placed on our usual ‘go to’ remedies to help us feel great about ourselves and life in general. Float therapy was out for three months. Many customers shared that floating was what they relied on to return to centre, manage pain, and process daily life with grace. Even though some had other practices to lean on, like meditation, floating was sorely missed.
I discovered during this time I could recreate so many of the benefits of floating through a traditional practice of Yoga Nidra, or sleeping with awareness. Rooted in a vast body of knowledge and ancient tradition, on the most basic level, it is a comprehensive method for maximizing health and well being. On a deeper level, it is also a profoundly spiritual practice. Somewhere in between, it is one of the most accessible ways to positively reshape the unconscious. It’s like floating without the salt!
Join us as we journey down this ancient path together. Weaving relaxation, empowerment, healing and learning to access a new way of being… calm, grounded, human, in or out of the float room.
course details
Date: resuming in 2021, date to be scheduled
Duration: 40 days
Investment: $TBA ($TBA for members) to ground yourself in a relaxing, healing technique you can practice for a lifetime
Delivery: online – a combination of self-directed and live sessions
More information
Learning outcomes:
- know what Yoga Nidra is
- know how best to prepare for Yoga Nidra
- have the confidence and ability to self-guide your own independent practice
- experience some the profound impacts Yoga Nidra has on daily life
- become established in a relaxing, healing technique you can practice for a lifetime
Program outline:
- For the first three weeks there will be short daily ‘lessons’ that build on the previous day’s lesson. Delivery is via video, email or from your course manual.
- Throughout the 40 days there will be two live (Zoom) guided Yoga Nidra sessions each week, including a short Q&A. You can pick which one suits your calendar best or do both!
Week 1
- Learn the steps to a foundational Yoga Nidra practice
- How to set up your practice space
- Live Yoga Nidra practice session incorporating the foundational steps with Q&A
Week 2
- Begin your self-guided Yoga Nidra practice
- Preparation of the physical body for practice
- Live Yoga Nidra practice session including physical preparation
Week 3
- Build on your self-guided practice
- Incorporating the power of the breath
- Live session of a complete foundational Yoga Nidra practice.
Week 4-6
- Daily Yoga Nidra continues
- Overcoming common hurdles to self-practice
- Live guided sessions – exploring other Yoga Nidra practices
Course Facilitator

Personal message
This training course is designed as a pilot program. It will be maintained as a small inclusive group and used as a testing ground for future courses planned for 2021 and beyond. When you participate in this introductory 40 day course you will be helping to shape the delivery of future programs, creating positive ripple effects of growth and healing within our community. For that we thank you.
This is just the beginning and I am so excited to be sharing this ancient knowledge with you. I can’t think of a better way to finish off 2020! With calmness, grounding and humanity, Jenny.
This is a standard meditation instruction that you can embody in the entirety of your life: do not act out and do not repress. See what happens if you don’t do either of those things.
Pema Chodron