
Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.


Liquid Zen is curious about our human potential for inner peace and tools for exploring the depths of human nature. We post ideas based on this theme here from time to time. If you too, are curious and would like to see an aspect of ‘being a human’ explored here, then feel free to contact us. We will consider your suggestion for future posts. In the meantime, we wish you very happy being and happy reading.


Trust Who You Are 2021

Online meditation series: 'trust who you are' purchase a place here Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Let's tackle the gritty up front, then we can relax. Trust is a huge topic, emotive, edgy, it takes aeons to build and micro seconds to undermine. But cheer up,  the good news is - it's worth every minute we invest in it. Trust is the foundation for any successful relationship and none more important than the one we have with ourselves. We are so worth it! Take a dive with us into how to [...]

February 17th, 2021|Courses|


  • finding serenity through meditation

Serenity just a float away

May 31st, 2019|Comments Off on Serenity just a float away

Float Away Anxiety If you could find a proven non-invasive technique that increases your serenity for more than a day would you be curious? Dr. Feinstein is a [...]

Power of Intention

January 31st, 2019|Comments Off on Power of Intention

"All that we are is a result of our thought" - Buddha. Creating our life experiences from the inside out. In our modern western societies, the emphasis is often [...]

Anxiety busters

November 22nd, 2018|Comments Off on Anxiety busters

"WE SUFFER MORE OFTEN IN IMAGINATION THAN IN REALITY" - Seneca Lessons from Tim Ferriss on how to move past fear and anxiety to find a lighter way. [...]

It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people that are happy.


Thank you for the photo Thought Catalog
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